We start the wreckage next Friday, June 5th.
There's still time to sign up - just fill in the form in the post below.
If you have any questions, email me.
Most Frequently Asked Question: Where/When Do We Begin?
A lot of people are wondering whether they should be wrecking this week so they have something to post next Friday or whether they should actually start the book on June 5th. I always think of the first day as the day you crack the book open, the beginning of the adventure. I just love the idea of all of us, around the world, making a start at the same time. But, as always with the Next Chapter, there's no wrong way to participate. Do what feels delicious to you.
You might be wondering what you'd post about next Friday if you've only just opened the book. You could share what you're anticipating, what you're looking forward to and what you're nervous about. You might set your intentions for the journey, express what you want to get out of the experience, describe the first baby step you've taken with the book or why you've decided to participate. Write about what it means to begin. Write what's on your mind and in your heart as you stand on the threshold of this brand new experience. All you have to do is share.
I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with you.
with love and anticipation,